Sunday, January 8, 2012

Could only get 5 pictures at one time so had to do this one seperately
I had this over whelming feeling to do another christmas item after the new year. I had all these little minatures that I have had for years in a draw so decided to do a configuations box. I have also included pictures of the little compartments. You sure can put lots of minatures in each area. I think I will keep this one myself as I usually give away most of what I make to my daughter-in-laws.

I did attempt to do a birthday card for Tim. I choose a canvas instead of a card. I wrote on the canvas(bad idea) but couldn't change it so kept going. The saying is
"You can't turn back the clock but you can wind it up again"
I didn't get it uploaded to enter over at studiol3 but that is okay. It was fun and I send it to Tim.
Well I finally have uploaded my last tag. Life gets in the way sometimes. LOL. Anyway I feel good that I did get all 12 tags done this year. Didnt have the house die behind the frozen charlotte, so just cut it out by hand. My tissue flower leaves a little to be desired,as I used 7 Gypsies tissue paper as I had it.
it was fun and I do love the charlottes.