Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gosh my photography gets worse. LOL I like vintage santas better so used one. Didnt have a long Merry Christmas so used a Happy Holiday instead. I have never done shrink plastic before but have decided I like it, they weren't really flat but I liked that also.

I colored the holly leaves on sants head with green distress ink and used red stickles for the berries. Really liked this tag. Boohoo only one more day. But I do need to get on with christmas after day 12. I hope to get day 12 done as I leave at 6am in the morning for New Hampshire to visit my other two gorgeous grandchildren Elayna 4 and Lucien 18 mth cant wait.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tag 10 this is a keeper, love the techneique and the overall look of the tag.
Didnt have the stamp set so used the seasonal christmas risist paper
and stamped some boughs in the corners. Love the perfect pearls mist
not that you can see it in the picture. I ran out of the right alpha letter so started cutting up letters to make E's from O's. Also had no antique glass balls so used some clear crystal fringe
(love that stuff) It is just so hard to say which is my favorite tag
I love them all. Two days left of the 12 days of christmas and it has been a great journey.

Day 9

My back ground stamp has no name on it, but I love these bright colors. I used Carnivale font and the glossy accents sure does pop out the letters and the flourish. This tag went together fairly easily and the results are so fun.

Well Day 8 tag I love. Really not my style but just loved doing it. I did not have the Admit one tag so used the ticket strip and just outlined it in red ink. I have to admit I went out and bought the stamp set,so hopefully I will get some use out of it. I did have the rest of the stuff for the tag. I am just in love with dying the ribbon for the tags, so easy amd matching that I dont think I will buy ribbon again. I have been doing a second set of tags so I can give them to a friend(hope she like them)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Well today being Day 8 Tag I am not home to play. Boo hoo. I am up visiting my son Zak his wife Robben and baby Holden.(2yrs) Am only staying the night so will get to do 2 tags tomorrow night. woooohooooo. Steampunk is new to me but will certainly get me to think outside my comfort zone. Am looking forward to day 9. I stayed up last night till 1 a.m. to look at todays tag and did the die cutting and gathering of the things I had so shouldn't be to hard tomorrow night. So till then when I post goodnight.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 7 tag 2011

Well I think this is my favorite tag so far. I love the stamp
and the colors used. Love the glassine paper it really shines
with the green and the gold mixative.
Once again I had all the things tim used. LOL I know his stuff is so addictive. Again thanks to my dear sweet husband for letting me to continually shop for Tim stuff. Oh I didnt have the red pepper alcohol ink so used cranberry. I have run out of pearls so will have to restock on those. Its hard to see the leaves and how gorgeous they are, will have to work on my photgraphy skills.
I have never had a blog before last night. So this is kind of fun to do.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tim H. Tag#6

For this tag I had all the supplies courtesy of my loving husband. Fast to do, left me time to cook a gourmet for my loving husband (or was it leftovers?). By the way, my loving husband agreed to do this blog for me. (LOL)

Tim H Tag #5

Tag #5. I didn't have background stamp or die but I'm happy how it turned out. Love the deep red theme and "Believe" is my mantra.