Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 7 tag 2011

Well I think this is my favorite tag so far. I love the stamp
and the colors used. Love the glassine paper it really shines
with the green and the gold mixative.
Once again I had all the things tim used. LOL I know his stuff is so addictive. Again thanks to my dear sweet husband for letting me to continually shop for Tim stuff. Oh I didnt have the red pepper alcohol ink so used cranberry. I have run out of pearls so will have to restock on those. Its hard to see the leaves and how gorgeous they are, will have to work on my photgraphy skills.
I have never had a blog before last night. So this is kind of fun to do.


  1. Great job on all three! Kudos to you for starting a blog last night and have it look like this already! You make it look easy!

  2. Gorgeous Libby, welcome to the wild world of blogging. Everything looks great!

  3. Good job getting your blog going! Love the tag. I think cranberry works better than red pepper for the "berries," with this color scheme.

  4. Love this! Your tags are great - I've hit a speed bump and am still on tag 1. I'll get them done eventually. Thanks for making your blog mobile-friendly. It makes a huge difference!


  5. Nice to see you (and hubby *lol*) in blogland, Libby!
    Your tags are wonderful! I've not done even one, yet...
